
To start contributing you must read all the following.

First you must fork/clone repo from github:

$ git clone

Next, you should install all python dependencies, it is as easy as running single command:

$ make devel

this command will install:

  • sphinx for building documentation;

  • pytest for running tests;

  • flake8 for code linting;

  • and few other packages.

Make sure you have provided a towncrier note. Just add short description running following commands:

$ echo "Short description" > CHANGES/filename.type

This will create new file in CHANGES directory. Filename should consist of the ticket ID or other unique identifier. Five default types are:

  • .feature - signifying new feature

  • .bugfix - signifying a bug fix

  • .doc - documentation improvement

  • .removal - deprecation or removal of public API

  • .misc - a ticket has been closed, but not in interest of users

You can check if everything is correct by typing:

$ towncrier --draft

To produce the news file:

$ towncrier

Code style

Code must be pep8 compliant.

You can check it with following command:

$ make flake

Running tests

You can run tests in any of the following ways:

# will run tests in a verbose mode
$ make test
# or
$ pytest

# or with particular Redis server
$ pytest --redis-server=/usr/local/bin/redis-server tests/

# will run tests with coverage report
$ make cov
# or
$ pytest --cov

SSL tests

Running SSL tests requires following additional programs to be installed:

  • openssl – to generate test key and certificate;

  • socat – to make SSL proxy;

To install these on Ubuntu and generate test key & certificate run:

$ sudo apt-get install socat openssl
$ make certificate

Different Redis server versions

To run tests against different redises use --redis-server command line option:

$ pytest --redis-server=/path/to/custom/redis-server


To run tests with uvloop:

$ pip install uvloop
$ pytest --uvloop


Until Python 3.5.2 EventLoop has no create_future method so aioredis won’t benefit from uvloop’s futures.

Writing tests

aioredis uses pytest tool.

Tests are located under /tests directory.


There is a number of fixtures that can be used to write tests:


Current event loop used for test. This is a function-scope fixture. Using this fixture will always create new event loop and set global one to None.

def test_with_loop(loop):
    def do_something():

Finds and returns free TCP port.

def test_bind(unused_port):
    port = unused_port()
    assert 1024 < port <= 65535
coroutine create_connection(*args, **kw)

Wrapper around aioredis.create_connection(). Only difference is that it registers connection to be closed after test case, so you should not be worried about unclosed connections.

coroutine create_redis(*args, **kw)

Wrapper around aioredis.create_redis().

coroutine create_pool(*args, **kw)

Wrapper around aioredis.create_pool().


Redis client instance.


RedisPool instance.


Redis server instance info. Namedtuple with following properties:


server instance name.


Bind port.


Bind unixsocket path.


Redis server version tuple.


Second predefined Redis server instance info.


Start Redis server instance. Redis instances are cached by name.


server info tuple, see server.

Return type



Start SSL proxy.


unsecure_port (int) – Redis server instance port


secure_port and ssl_context pair

Return type


redis_version tests helper

In tests directory there is a _testutils module with a simple helper — redis_version() — a function that add a pytest mark to a test allowing to run it with requested Redis server versions.

_testutils.redis_version(*version, reason)

Marks test with minimum redis version to run.


from _testutil import redis_version

@redis_version(3, 2, 0, reason="HSTRLEN new in redis 3.2.0")
def test_hstrlen(redis):